A 32 year-old male is facing charges, including assaulting police officers with a weapon, after a call for service to a disturbance, last night, in the 1500 block of Victoria Avenue. A Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) was deployed in the suspect’s arrest. Although it is a specific product name, CEWs are often commonly referred to as Tasers. Notice of this CEW deployment is in keeping with a commitment by the Regina Police Service to advise the public each time a CEW is used against a person.
Police were dispatched to a disturbance at about 11:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at a house in the 1500 block of Victoria Avenue. Early information received indicated there was continued loud screaming coming from the residence. When police arrived, they spoke with an adult male at the door who acknowledged that there was a disagreement going on. When police asked to enter in order to ensure the safety of anyone else in the house, the male refused. The officers received further information that the male at the door was the subject of warrants and a probation order. As the officers attempted to arrest the male, he broke away, picked up a stereo and threw it at one of the officers. The other officer deployed a CEW, which was temporarily effective; however the suspect continued to resist arrest and was physically combative. The CEW was cycled a second time and third time as additional officers arrived and assisted in getting the suspect safely into custody. In keeping with policy, the suspect was medically cleared before being taken to the Police Service Detention. The investigation was concluded with charges against the 32 year-old male.
During the struggle between police and the suspect, the other occupant of the residence, a 51 year-old male, came up from the basement; he was confirmed to be unhurt as a result of the original disturbance.
Thirty-two year-old Prince Derek SHEPHERD, of Regina, is charged with:
- Assault Peace Officer with a Weapon [270.01(1)(a) CC];
- Resist Arrest [129(a) CC]; and
- Breach of Probation [733.1(1) CC].
SHEPHERD will make his first court appearance on these charges in Provincial Court at 2:00 p.m. today: Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
The use of the CEW has been documented and will be subject to internal review by a Use of Force Review Board (Regina Police Service) and external oversight by the Saskatchewan Police Commission.