A 31 year-old male, who was ordered by the courts last week to turn himself in to police, is now back in custody.
It was September 30, 2017, when the Regina Police Service received a report of an alleged sexual assault by a male on a female, who was 19 years old at the time. After investigation, police charged then-27 year-old Awet Teklemichael MEHARI with sexual assault. MEHARI was convicted in 2019 of sexual assault, but the conviction was overturned by the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals. The 2019 conviction was later reinstated by the Supreme Court of Canada, which also returned the matter to the Saskatchewan Court to consider two other appeal grounds that weren’t initially considered. On Friday, February 19, 2021, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals dismissed the two other grounds of the appeal and ordered Awet MEHARI to turn himself in to police.
Thirty-one year-old Awet Teklemichael MEHARI came into Regina Police Service custody on Monday, February 22, 2021. He has been transported to a closed-custody facility to serve his prison sentence. This matter is now concluded.