For general enquiries/comments, please fill out the form below. Please include your home address and phone number in the event that we need to contact you (email is monitored Monday to Friday during business hours only, excluding statutory holidays).
Regina Police cannot take information from your email and turn it into a police report. If you require non-urgent police action, you’ll need to file a report by calling (306) 777-6500 or in person at 1717 Saskatchewan Drive.
Please note – requests for copies of police reports and incidents must be requested in writing with the signature of the person who provided the information or by authorized legislation. Please do no use the contact form for these types of requests.
If you are wanting to file a report, click here for our online reporting.
Mailing address:
Regina Police Service
Box 196
Regina SK
S4P 2Z8
Street Address:
1717 Saskatchewan Drive
Non-Emergency Calls:
(306) 777-6500
(306) 757-5461
(306) 359-1012