Let your heart grow three sizes this day: CopShop returns for a sixth season. It will be an early Holiday gift for twenty deserving local children, ten of whom (with their families) are part of The Regina Intersectoral Partnership, or TRiP. The remaining ten children were selected by officers in the School Resource Office program. All of these children are being rewarded for their achievements and positive strides towards goals. This event is made possible through the cooperation and generosity of the Cornwall Centre, in partnership with the Regina Police Service and TRiP. CopShop is scheduled for December 7, 2022, starting at approximately 11:45 a.m.
Twenty Regina Police Service officers will act as personal shoppers to 20 local children as they set out on a special shopping spree. Each child will receive a $200 gift card donated by the Cornwall Centre, and a stocking filled with personalized items. Each officer gets a chance to connect in a meaningful and positive way with a young person.
The Regina Police Service representatives and selected children will be available for interviews during CopShop. The schedule for the event is as follows:
- 11 am – 11:45 am – Children participating in CopShop will be picked up via limousine from their respective schools.
- 11:45 am – Participants will arrive at the Cornwall Centre and will be treated to lunch and refreshments.
- 12 pm – Opening remarks prepared by representatives from the Regina Police Service and the Cornwall Centre.
- 12:15 pm – Shopping Begins!
- 1:45 pm – CopShop children and police officers will reconvene for snacks and group picture.
- 2:30 pm – Children are transported home.
May the shopping spree, and your holidays, be merry and bright!