The Regina Police Service is encouraging Regina residents to enjoy the Spring weather this weekend, with a few reminders to keep yourself and your property safe.
– Remember to abide by the Public Health Orders this weekend. Outdoor public and private gathering are still limited to no more than ten people. Physical distancing requirements still apply. Anyone in an indoor public place, like a mall or market, must wear a mask. Police will attend to calls where it’s alleged there are breaches of the Public Health Orders.
– Property crime usually increases as the weather improves. It’s easy to forget to lock a garage door, or leave keys in a vehicle, or leave a bicycle unattended. Those lapses of memory can become opportunities for crime to occur. A little bit of prevention can save loss, inconvenience and financial hardship, so take those extra seconds to make sure your property is secure.
– Our Patrol and Traffic officers work ‘round the clock, through the weekend, to keep our roadways and neighbourhoods safe. Drive with consideration of all other users of the roadway. The number of bicyclists on our streets is increasing, as is the number of pedestrians and skateboarders. Keep your focus on driving safely. Follow posted speed limits, do not participate in illegal street racing, and please don’t drink and drive!
National Police Week is drawing to a close; the theme of the week is “Working Together To Keep Our Communities Safe”. We are thankful for valued partnerships with community agencies and organizations. We also thank Regina residents for your trust and cooperation. It takes all of us, working in collaboration, to achieve the goal of public safety. Thank you!