A 41 year-old male has been charged in connection with alleged assaults on two police officers. The alleged assaults came out of police response to call of an “unwanted guest”.
On Sunday, January 23, 2022, at approximately 4:41 p.m., police were dispatched to a business in the 1700 block of East Dewdney Avenue for a report of a male who was described as an “unwanted guest”. Staff at the store said the male was bothering customer; they asked him to leave several times, but the male refused. Officers arrived and advised the male he should leave. When the male ignored them, one officer took his arm and the suspect began grappling with the officer. After a struggle, it’s alleged the suspect spit into the face of a second officer. The male was taken into custody and later charged. The officer who was physically assaulted did not sustain serious injuries; the second officer had to begin a medical protocol that is carried out when an officer comes into contact with bodily fluids.
Forty-one year-old Scott Douglas FLAMAN, of Regina, is charged with:
- Assault a Peace Officer, s. 270(1)(a) CC;
- Assault a Peace Officer Causing Bodily Harm, s. 270.01(1)(b) CC;
- Mischief under $5,000, s. 430(4) CC; and
- Possession of a Scheduled Substance (methamphetamine), s. 4(1) CDSA.
FLAMAN made his first court appearance on these charges in Provincial Court at 9:30 a.m. today (Monday, January 24, 2022).