An adult male is charged following a break and enter to a business in the 400 block of Victoria Avenue East.
At approximately 1:20 a.m. today (April 17, 2024), a call came in to the RPS Communications Centre. The caller stated that she had just been alerted, via security footage, that an individual had smashed the glass front door, entered the store, grabbed various merchandise and fled the scene.
Officers responded, viewed the footage and were able to identify the suspect. Approximately three hours later, officers located the suspect walking in the area of 11th Avenue and Halifax Street and arrested him. A search following the arrest turned up the stolen merchandise.
As a result, 34 year-old Ashton BIRD is charged with:
- Break and Enter [CC 348(1)(B)]; and
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime under $5,000 [CC 355 (B)]. (Court Information #991265300)