Financial Crimes
The Financial Crimes Unit is responsible for investigating all crimes that include elements of fraud, scam, significant money loss, etc. That includes:
- Identity theft/identity fraud
- Scams involving large sums of money
- Fraud/fraud related offences that are complex in nature or a substantial financial loss has occurred and the investigation requires technical or specialized skills
- Money laundering
- Counterfeit currency investigations
- Credit card related offences
The Financial Crime Unit is made up of 5 investigators; 2 Sergeants and 3 Corporals. Investigations are extremely complex, and can be very lengthy. Investigations do not always result in the recovery of money. The job of investigators is to determine if a criminal offence has been committed. If there is evidence, an appropriate charge will be laid.
Members in Financial Crimes are also responsible for public education related to the prevention of fraud and related offences.
Some of the most common types of scams circulating in Regina are listed here: