During cold Saskatchewan winters, warming up your vehicle is a common practice. With a recent uptick in vehicle thefts, the Regina Police Service would like to remind residents to practice proactive crime prevention strategies and never leave your vehicle running with the keys inside.
In the last 12 days, the Regina Police Service received 16 reports of stolen vehicles. In nine of those cases, thieves easily accessed the vehicles because the doors were unlocked and the vehicles were running.
Prevent multiple crimes by employing simple prevention techniques:
- Never leave valuables in a parked vehicle. If there is nothing of value in sight, there is less reason for thieves to gain entry to your vehicle.
- Remove garage door openers and spare keys to prevent thieves from gaining entry into your garage or home.
- Never leave your vehicle running with the keys inside and always lock your vehicle doors.
Report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to police, by calling 306-777-6500. If you see a crime in progress, or in an emergency, keep yourself safe and call 9-1-1.
The Regina Police Service thanks you for your participation in crime-prevention.