Just in time for the holiday party season, the Regina Police Service Traffic Safety Unit has a new tool to assist in taking impaired drivers off the road and hold them accountable.
The RPS Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) hit the streets earlier this month and is already proving to be a valuable asset. The vehicle acts as a mobile breath and oral fluid testing room. It is equipped with both a breathalyzer (Intoximeter) and oral fluid testing devices (Drager and Sotoxa). The breathalyzer confirms impairment by alcohol. The oral fluid testing devices detect consumption of some drugs.
On average, 2500 drivers are checked for impairment at check stops in Regina each year. Prior to the launch of the MTU, police officers working these check stops, and other enforcement initiatives, would need to transport impaired drivers to the police station for these tests. Roadside screening devices are used initially but have limited capabilities. Further testing via the Intoximeter, Drager and Sotoxa is required in order to legally confirm impairment. While officers will still bring suspected impaired drivers to the police station for tests, the MTU will eliminate that step at check stops and other larger enforcement initiatives.
“Having this type of access to the testing devices is saving us time and allowing us to expand our capacity to do our jobs,” explains Sgt Shannon Gordon of the Traffic Safety Unit. “We can detect consumption of drugs and alcohol that may be impairing a person’s ability to safely operate a vehicle, so we are very excited about this new addition.”
The MTU is an expansion of the already strong partnership between the Regina Police Service and SGI.
“The Government of Saskatchewan and SGI are pleased to support the Regina Police Service in launching their new Mobile Testing Unit,” said Brad Crassweller, MLA for White City–Qu’Appelle. “This initiative is an important step toward safer roads and reducing impaired driving. The efforts of the Regina Police Service will play a key role in helping keep everyone safe on the roads this holiday season.”
Both SGI and the Regina Police Service would like to remind drivers to celebrate the season safely and always choose a safe ride home.