Patrol members of the Regina Police Service deployed a Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW), or Taser, in the apprehension of a male earlier this morning in Regina. This advisory is issued as part of a commitment by the Regina Police Service to notify the public each time a CEW is discharged at a person.
On Sunday, October 9, 2022, at 7:44 a.m., police were dispatched to 7th Avenue North and Nollet Avenue for a report of an injured male with a knife. Upon arrival, officers located the male in the 300 block of McCarthy Boulevard North. The police directed the male to drop the knife but the male refused. The male was holding the knife against his body. The officers feared the male would continue to ham himself, so one of the officers successfully deployed his CEW, which allowed officers to safely take the male into custody. The male was treated on scene by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The male was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and transported to the hospital by EMS. The male will not be facing any criminal charges.
The deployment of the CEW/Taser is documented through reports and will be reviewed by a Use of Force Review Board, which is a panel within the Regina Police Service, made up of experienced officers. All uses of force are also reported to the Saskatchewan Police Commission.
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