Two adults and a youth are facing numerous charges in connection with a weapons offence in the early hours of Monday, November 30, 2020.
This investigation began at about 12:45 a.m. on Monday, November 30, 2020, when police observed a vehicle proceeding westbound on Sherwood Drive and then making a sudden and erratic turn into Sampson Place. The officers observed movement inside the car as they approached; it appeared the male driver was switching places with a female who was the backseat passenger. Police learned that the male was a prohibited driver, so he was placed under arrest. Once the male suspect was out of the car, police saw a sawed-off firearm between the front passenger door and seat. The other two occupants of the vehicle: a 19 year-old female and a 17 year-old female, were arrested for the apparent weapons offences. A search of the vehicle yielded a loaded, sawed-off rifle, a large knife, a pellet gun, pepper spray, a second knife, and two separate quantities of what appeared to be methamphetamine. Two occupants of the vehicle were also found to be in breach of court-ordered conditions.
The adults are 21 year-old Chance Chase FINK and 19 year-old Jessica PROULX, of Regina. They are jointly charged with the following offences:
- 4 X Possession of a Weapon for a Purpose Dangerous to Public Peace [88 CC];
- 3 X Carrying a Concealed Weapon [90 CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm [91(1 CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Prohibited Weapon [91(2) CC];
- Tampering with the Serial number of a Firearm [108(1)(a) CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle [94(1) CC]; and
- Possession of a prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition [95(1)(a) CC].
In addition, Chance FINK is charged with:
- 2 X Operate a Conveyance While Prohibited [320.18(1)(a) CC]; and
- 2 X Breach of Probation [733.1(1) CC].
Also, in addition to the joint charges, Jessica PROULX is charged with:
- Possession of a Scheduled substance [4(1) CDSA];
FINK and PROULX made their first court appearances on these charges in Provincial Court at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30, 2020.
The 17 year-old youth, who cannot be named in accordance with the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is charged with:
- 5 X Possession of a Weapon for a Purpose Dangerous to Public Peace [88 CC];
- 4 X Carrying a Concealed Weapon [90 CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm [91(1 CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Prohibited Weapon [91(2) CC];
- Tampering with the Serial number of a Firearm [108(1)(a) CC];
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle [94(1) CC];
- Possession of a prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition [95(1)(a) CC];
- Possession of a Scheduled substance [4(1) CDSA]; and
- Breach of court-ordered conditions [137 YCJA].
The youth made her first court appearance on these charges in Youth Court at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30, 2020.