Members of the Regina Police Service deployed CEWs, also known as Tasers, in order to gain control of a male who was threatening self-harm on Saturday, June 11, 2022. This advisory is issued in keeping with the Regina Police Service’s practice of notifying the public each time a Taser is discharged against a person.
This incident began at about 7:40 a.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2022, as a call for service to the 1600 block of Albert Street. Initial information to police alleged a male was damaging vehicles, jumping in front of moving vehicles on the street and acting in an aggressive manner. When officers arrived, they spotted the male on the roof of a business. A lengthy negotiation followed, with continuous assessment of the subject and circumstances; however the male still refused to cooperate. Hours later, in early afternoon, officers deployed CEWs and the male was taken into custody by police. He was transported to hospital for treatment of injuries. There are no other details available for release to the public at this time.
The use of the CEW has been documented as per policy and will be reviewed by a Use of Force Committee within the Regina Police Service. All uses of force are also reported to the Saskatchewan Police Commission – an oversight body independent of the Regina Police Service. In addition, this matter has been referred to Saskatchewan Corrections, Policing and Public Safety with a request for independent oversight of the RPS investigation.
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