The Regina Police is pleased to report that there were no collisions, injuries or property damage reported to RPS in association with today’s Regina Rally Against the Carbon Tax. As communicated in all pre-convoy news releases, there were delays for regular north-south traffic through downtown Regina, but there were no unexpected developments.
The RPS Traffic Safety Unit noted that there were three medical emergency vehicles that had to cross the convoy path, as well as two police emergency responses, but each traverse was accomplished without delay, because the operations plan had anticipated the possibility of such situations.
The Regina Police Service wishes to thank: the Weyburn and Estevan Police Services, Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS), White Butte RCMP, Highway Patrol, City of Regina Transit, City Engineering, Regina Fire Department, and EMS. Thanks also goes to the organizers of this convoy and rally for their willingness to work collaboratively in developing the convoy plan and their timely exchange of information between participants and authorities. Not least, the Regina Police Service thanks the citizens of Regina for their patience and co-operation.