A 42 year-old Regina male is facing numerous charges in connection with Break, Enter & Theft, and stolen vehicle incidents on the weekend.
On Saturday, January 20, 2018, at 12:39 p.m., police were dispatched to a restaurant on the 3200 block of Eastgate Drive for the report of a break and enter. Various items, including a vehicle, were stolen from the location.
As part of the investigation into the Break, Enter & Theft, police located the stolen vehicle entering a parking lot on the 1000 block of Pasqua Street at about 11:30 p.m. Police approached the vehicle and arrested the lone occupant of the vehicle, a 42 year-old male.
A search of the vehicle revealed a set of keys to another vehicle, as well as other items identified as stolen from the earlier break and enter incident.
Forty-two year-old Jason MILLBEN, of Regina, is charged with:
- Theft of motor vehicle [CC 333.1(1)];
- Break, Enter, and Commit [CC 348(1)(B)];
- Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000 [CC 355(A)];
- 3 X Possession of property obtained by crime under $5000 [CC 355(B)]; and
- 2 X Fail to comply with probation order [CC 733.1(1)].
MILLBEN made his first appearance on these charges in Provincial Court today, January 22, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.