…As in F-150, F-250 and F-350. Ford F-series trucks seem to be a favorite target of vehicle thieves in Regina these days. Recent crime trend analysis, based on reported crime, indicates there’s been an increase in stolen Ford F-series trucks recent weeks. In the past three months – May 9th to August 8th – 16% of the stolen vehicles in Regina were Ford F-series trucks. In the past week – August 1st to August 8th – 41% of the stolen vehicles were Ford F-series trucks. In too many of these cases the vehicle was left unlocked or the keys were left inside the vehicle.
The Regina Police Service is sharing this information so that any owner of a Ford F-150, F-250 or F-350 in Regina is aware of the recent increase in the thefts of these types of vehicles. Vehicle owners may choose to change their habits or add some extra security measures as a result. The easiest of these measures involves simply locking vehicles and removing valuables, including any vehicle keys. Other deterrents might include parking in a well-lit driveway or a locked garage. There are also anti-theft products available, ranging from steering-wheel locking devices to vehicle alarm systems or dash-cams. Ultimately, a very-motivated offender may find a way to overcome crime-prevention measures, but in many cases, presenting a deterrent causes an auto thief to simply move on, looking for an easier target.
The members of the Regina Police Service Stolen Auto Section work hard to apprehend and charge offenders. However; successfully charging and prosecuting offenders doesn’t remove the cost and inconvenience to the victim of vehicle theft and higher insurance costs for all vehicle owners. An ounce of prevention really is the preferred solution.
Concerned and observant residents are another important part of preventing or interrupting vehicle theft. If you see something suspicious in your neighbourhood, call the Regina Police Service at 306-777-6500. If you see a crime in progress, call 9-1-1.