A 22 year-old male has been charged in connection with an incident on February 21, 2017, in which police discharged a CEW, or Conducted Energy Weapon (commonly called a taser).
As indicated in a February 22nd news release, police were dispatched, on Tuesday, February 21, 2017, at about 9:46 p.m., to a residence on the 2100 block of Lorne Street for the report of break and enter in progress. Police determined there was a domestic dispute in progress and the incident was continuing at a residence in the 2000 block of Hamilton Street. A 41 year old woman was being unlawfully confined by a 22 year-old man, who had barricaded the entrance to the residence as well as a room inside. The woman was able to get out of the room, leaving the male suspect inside, unwilling to surrender to police. In spite of attempted negotiation by officers, the man put a bladed weapon to his neck; prompting police to deploy the CEW. The male dropped the weapon, and police safely took the male into custody and transported him to hospital. Upon his release from hospital, the male was arrested and charged.
The 22 year-old accused is charged with Break and Enter and Commit Assault [348(1)(b) CC]; Forcible Confinement [279(2) CC]; and two Breaches of Probation [733.1(1) CC]. Because of the nature of this incident, specifically the accused’s attempts at self-harm, his name will not be released by the Regina Police Service. The male appeared in Provincial Court on these charges at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2017.
As indicated in the previous release, the use of the CEW has been documented as per policy and will be reviewed by a Use of Force Committee – a committee within the Regina Police Service. All uses of force are also reported to the Saskatchewan Police Commission – an oversight body independent of the Regina Police Service.