At approximately 12:41pm on December 15, 2015, police members were dispatched to McDonald Street and the Ring Road for a report of a male passed out in a vehicle.
A male, who appeared to be unconscious, was located in the vehicle. While investigating the incident, police found the male in possession of a firearm, stolen property, and illegal drugs. The firearm, drugs, and stolen property were located in the vehicle and were seized. The male suspect was arrested without incident and subsequently charged. Some of the stolen property was linked to a Break and Enter that had occurred in the 1100 block of Edgar Street on the evening of December 14, 2015. The investigation will continue.
Thirty One year old Christopher MCDOUGAL, DOB: 1984/11/21, has been charged with sixteen offences including: three charges of possession a of weapon for a dangerous purpose (CC 88); two charges of possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to prohibition order (cc117.01 (1)), carry concealed weapon (CC 90), unauthorized Possession of a prohibited device or ammunition in a motor vehicle (CC 94(1)(All), possession of a scheduled substance for the purpose of trafficking (CDSA 5(2)), drive while disqualified (CC259(4)), unauthorized possession of a prohibited or restricted weapon (CC 91(2)), careless use of firearm, weapon, prohibited device or ammunition (CC 86(1)), fail or refuse to provide breath sample – Intoxilyzer (CC 254(3)(A)), four charges of possession of property obtained by crime under $5000.00 (CC 355(B)). MCDOUGAL will be held for Provincial Court on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 9:30 am.