Hi, Regina. It’s your police service again, with a friendly reminder:
This week, there have been nineteen reported break and enters to garages in Regina. Of these, fifteen were confirmed to be unlocked during the time of the break and enter.
The Regina Police Service reports twenty-eight occurrences of items being stolen from vehicles this week in Regina. Of these, fifteen were confirmed unlocked. Some of the items stolen were valuable or sensitive items such as SIN cards, health cards, and cash.
The Regina Police Service would like to remind people that preventative measures such as locking your vehicles, homes, and garages, as well as securing valued belongings, goes a long way towards preventing theft. Often, would-be thieves merely look for the most convenient opportunities to take valuables, and will move on if they encounter locked doors and secured property.
Let’s do our parts in preventing these opportunities, to better ensure that your valued belongings remain yours.