A 17 year-old Regina female youth is facing charges following an incident last night, on the Ring Road, in which a vehicle evaded police at estimated speeds exceeding 160 kilometres per hour.
At approximately 12:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, two officers in a patrol car observed a vehicle, driving at a high speed, eastbound on Gordon Road, near James Hill Road. The vehicle went south on Lewvan, then east onto the Number One Bypass. There was also a second vehicle, travelling ahead of the first. Officers caught up to one of the vehicles, a Chevy Cavalier, and recorded the license plate information; the other car accelerated away. When officers activated their emergency equipment the Chevy Cavalier also accelerated, estimated to be travelling at 160-170 km/h. Police discontinued following, but the vehicle was spotted a few more times by other units, including moments when the Cavalier was going southbound in a northbound lane of the Ring Road, almost striking a police vehicle, and minutes later, entering the centre ditch at a high speed and continuing southbound on the Ring Road. Officers were able to observe the driver of the vehicle, confirming identity through photos. The suspect vehicle was eventually located near the 4800 block of Liberty Street and the suspect driver, a 17 year-old female, was arrested without further incident.
The female youth cannot be named in accordance with the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. She is charged with: Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle [249(1)(a) CC]; Flight While Pursued by Peace Officer (evade police) [249.1(1) CC] and two charges of Breach of Undertaking [145(3) CC]. The accused made her first court appearance on these charges in Youth Court at 2:00 p.m. today, Wednesday, May 27, 2015.