The Regina Police Service Annual Awards Ceremony was held today (Thursday, February 5, 2015) at the Delta Regina. This event is a celebration acknowledging individuals and organizations for their contributions to the community, policing and public safety. The RPS Awards are open to both Police Service employees and the general public and this year, as in previous years, some of our recipients are community members. Persons or organizations are nominated for these awards by employees of the Regina Police Service. The nominations are reviewed by an Awards Committee, which, in turn, makes its recommendations to Executive Committee.
There are five awards available:
Special Service Award – presented to persons for their volunteer work in the community,
Community Policing Award – presented for work such as problem-solving or crime prevention initiatives,
Meritorious Performance Award – presented for operational or investigative work well above the standard,
Teamwork Award – presented to a section, unit, project team or other group of members and external partners in recognition of superior teamwork attributes in accomplishing a significant goal, and
Chief’s Commendation – awarded in recognition of bravery or an exception contribution to the Service.
The recipients of this year’s awards (for 2014) include two (2) civilians and seven (7) officers. They are: 1) S/Sgt. Bob Koroluk – Meritorious Performance Award – in recognition of his dedication to preserving the history of the RPS.
2) Cst. Aaron Robertson & Cst. Anthony Rodier – Chief’s Commendation – in recognition of their quick action to render assistance, which saved a life at Wascana Park on July 1, 2014.
3) Cst. Elysia Cobbledick, Cst. Cory Patron & Mr. Patrick Sherling – Chief’s Commendation – in recognition of saving a life at the University of Regina on August 22, 2014.
4) Mr. Ron Rasmussen – Special Service Award – in recognition of his 17 years’ dedication and commitment to the Regain Police Service and the citizens of Regina as a member of the Regina Board of Police Commissioners.
The Regina Police Service extends its congratulations and thanks to these dedicated individuals who have enhanced our community, policing and public safety through their actions and service.