Tis the season to drive safely! The Regina Police Service is reminding motorists to adapt their driving for the recent snowfall and icy roads. It’s a yearly occurrence, so it should come as no surprise to everyone to slow down and drive carefully this time of year. Speed limits are for ideal climate driving, so please take caution and ease up on the gas pedal.
To motorists: please slow down and clear snow and ice from your vehicle so you can see and be seen. Brush the snow off your lights and turn them on while driving in the morning or evening. Give yourself extra time for all driving manoeuvres: stopping, turning, slowing down etc. Don’t follow other traffic too closely. Be aware of what’s developing around you and ahead of you. To pedestrians: be aware that drivers need more time to come to a complete stop, so be cautious when crossing the roadway. Perhaps the only pedestrians who are excited about snow are schoolchildren, so please slow down in school zones.
This winter season, purchase (or make) and keep a winter survival kit in your vehicle. A warm blanket, some protein bars, flashlight, booster cables, extra mittens or gloves, first aid kit, a collapsible snow shovel, matches and flares can go a long way if you need them.
If you are in an emergency, accident or are injured, or see one happening, call 9-1-1 and try to keep warm in your vehicle until help arrives. If you see an accident and officers are assisting, please move to the far lane and slow down while passing. For all other policing needs or accidents without injuries, call the Regina Police Service at 306-777-6500.