In keeping with the traffic safety spotlight for the month of August, Regina Police Service members are conducting enforcement, looking for drivers using their cellphones or driving without due care and attention. This week, RPS traffic safety officers were also on the lookout for drivers disobeying flashing red lights at pedestrian corridors. Unfortunately, officers didn’t have much difficulty finding drivers in contravention of the Traffic Safety Act for cellphone violations, disobeying pedestrian crossing lights and seatbelt violations.
On Wednesday, August 13, 2014, traffic safety officers focused on pedestrian corridors and issued 37 traffic tickets. There were also four warrants executed and four vehicles seized in that project. On Thursday, August 14, 2014, the traffic safety unit set up a project looking for cellphone use while driving. In all, there were 68 tickets issued, 13 of these were for cellphones. The others were for a variety of Traffic Safety Act infractions, including a surprising 26 tickets for failing to wear seatbelts. There were also three vehicles seized in this enforcement initiative.
Motorists are reminded that the new traffic laws now in effect have tougher penalties to encourage compliance with the law. Under the new traffic laws, drivers face vehicle seizures of seven days on a second or subsequent offence for cellphone use and seven days on a third or subsequent offence for driving without due care and attention. Visit SGI’s website at to learn more about the new traffic laws, or for information about the Road Safety Challenge
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!