At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners today, the Regina Police Service introduced new Mission Vision and Values statements for the Service, as approved by the Board.
These new statements are:
MISSION – Public service first.
VISION – Working together to keep Regina Safe.
VALUES – Respectful Professional Service
These new Mission, Vision and Values statements replace those introduced in 2011. The previous statements touched on all of the qualities the Service wanted to express, but they were too detailed and difficult to remember. From a marketing perspective, they were not as effective as simpler, more memorable statements. The streamlining of the Mission, Vision and Values statements of the Regina Police Service is just one more step in a process of re-branding the Service. The introduction, in 2012, of the Service’s Coat of Arms as a corporate logo; reflected in changes to the uniform shoulder patch, decals on the vehicles, business cards, social media, website and other corporate communications; provided an opportunity to revisit and improve on the Mission, Vision and Values statements. The new Mission, Vision and Values statements retain the key concepts communicated in the 2011 statements, but express these concepts in a much more focused and simplified way. This process was part of the development of an overall communications strategy, done with the guidance of Mr. Jeph Maystruck of Strategy Lab Marketing. Each of the statements is discussed below:
1) The new Mission statement is: “Public service first.”
This statement is actually already a slogan that has adorned the Regina Police Service breast badge since 1959. As our Mission statement, “public service first” would provide a clear message, both internally and externally, that providing high quality service to the public is of utmost importance when conducting our work.
2) The new Vision statement is: “Working together to keep Regina safe.”
There are two points of emphasis in this Vision statement. First, the Regina Police Service does not work alone. We will continue to develop and strengthen partnerships with other service providers to address the root causes of crime. A coordinated approach with agencies that are more appropriate for addressing community issues such as mental health, addictions, early life development and education make our crime prevention efforts more effective and efficient. The Regina Police Service must also continue to work with the people of Regina. We rely on the public to report crime and disorder to the police. We also make efforts to inform the public on methods for protecting themselves from becoming the victims of crime.
Second, this Vision statement emphasizes that ensuring public safety is the primary goal of the Regina Police Service. With the help of its partners and the people of Regina, we strive to ensure that the city will be a safe place to live, work and visit.
3) The new Values are: “Respectful,” “Professional,” and “Service.”
Our definitions for these Values are:
Respectful: We value all people equally and strive to preserve every person’s dignity by treating all with courtesy and compassion.
Professional: We are accountable to the community by providing reliable service that is ethical and transparent.
Service: We are dedicated to keeping Regina safe through effective investigations, emergency response and community partnerships.
The Regina Police Service believes that the Values: “Respectful”, “Professional” and “Service” sum up all the qualities stated in the accompanying definitions and are now more focused. These Values were also chosen because the acronym for Respectful Professional Service (RPS) matches that of Regina Police Service, making the new Values more memorable.
Residents of Regina can expect to see the new Mission, Vision and Values statements of the Regina Police Service in various formats including: a new backdrop for news conferences; vehicle decals; framed pictures within the building; on the website and other RPS social media sites; on the Regina Police Service parade float; at future events such as Showcase; crime prevention advertising and public education; business cards and in future publications such as the RPS Annual Report.
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