Regina Police are asking for the public’s assistance in solving and preventing Break and Enters in neighbourhoods with houses and buildings under construction. There have been 51 reported incidents of Break and Enters to newly constructed homes at various locations around the city since January of this year. These homes usually are broken into by the front or back door, causing damages to the door and allowing thieves access to the building. Once inside tools and building materials are then stolen.
From November 15-17 there were 9 incidents, 8 in Harbour Landing developments and 1 in The Greens on Gardiner. We are asking that anyone with information that will help us in the investigation of these cases to call us at 777-6500.
If you hear anything suspicious, such as a loud noise in the night, or notice anything suspicious, such as a vehicle that doesn’t belong on your street or your dogs seem to be barking at something, take a look out the window. If you see a crime in progress, make sure to keep yourself safe and call us at 911 immediately. Make a note of information that will be helpful in identifying the suspects. Information that is helpful to us is address, plate number, vehicle description, and suspect description.