The Regina Police Service is investigating an incident that occurred early this morning (Sunday, October 28, 2012) in which an adult male was taken to hospital with an apparent gunshot wound.
At approximately 4:16 a.m. on Sunday, October 28, 2012, police were dispatched to a house on McRead Place, in the Mount Royal neighbourhood. The caller indicated a person at that address had been shot and was being taken to hospital. As police were enroute to the call, they met a vehicle heading east on Dewdney Avenue, which turned out to be the vehicle taking the shooting victim to hospital. The victim is a 26 year-old male, from Ajax, Ontario. His injuries, although serious, are not believed to be life-threatening.
This incident is under investigation. Police have interviewed numerous people but, at this time, there have been no arrests and the weapon has not been recovered. Police are asking anyone with information that could assist in this case to contact the Regina Police Service at 777-6500 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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