The Regina Police Service is reminding the public about the use of pellet guns, air soft guns, or any other realistic looking firearm replica. Although an Air Soft or Pellet gun is not a handgun or rifle, they can still cause damage to property, e.g. building and vehicle windows.
These types of replicas also pose a concern to police as a public safety issue. Discharge of pellets or BBs can cause injury and the sight of someone with a gun would prompt a full police response to a firearms complaint, even if the “gun” involved later proves to be a pellet gun. Incidents of this type are a criminal offence and are also in contravention of the City of Regina Bylaw 2011 – 14. Section 5 of that Bylaw continues the prohibition against discharge of a firearm, which includes a pellet gun or air gun, in the City of Regina.
The Regina Police Service takes incidents involving any firearm or replica very seriously. If you see someone with what appears to be a firearm or replica, including observations of suspicious activity, especially at night, or vehicle license plate information, please phone the Police. Anyone with information about recent damage caused by pellet guns is asked to contact the Regina Police Service at 777-6500 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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