The Regina Police Service is, once again, repeating its request for new information in its long-term missing person’s investigation into the disappearance of Danita Faith BIGEAGLE of Regina. Danita BIGEAGLE, who was 22 years old at the time, was reported missing on February 14, 2007. Police investigation has determined that BIGEAGLE has not been seen since February 11, 2007. Police believe Danita BIGEAGLE was last seen on the evening of February 11, 2007, in downtown Regina, getting into a vehicle driven by a lone male.
Efforts to locate Danita Faith BIGEAGLE have included numerous interviews of family members, friends and associates to try to determine where she may have gone, why and with whom. Address checks have been negative. The Regina Police Service has repeated requests for information from the public. Investigative efforts have taken Regina Police Service members to other western Canadian cities, based on possible sightings. Investigators have communicated with other police services and BIGEAGLE’s information has been posted on the SACP (Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police) website dedicated to long-term missing persons cases at . Broadcaster APTN (Aboriginal People’s Television Network) has publicized this case and those of other missing women fromSaskatchewan andWestern Canada. Investigation and public appeals for information on the case have generated leads, but none of these have given police or the family of Danita BIGEAGLE the information to locate her or identify possible suspects in her disappearance.
Police still believe someone may have information vital to solving this case and are, once again, asking the public for help. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Danita Faith BIGEAGLE, or has information that could assist police, is asked to contact the Regina Police Service at 777-6500, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.