The Regina Police Service is warning the public, specifically the person(s) involved in a Break & Enter, about a dangerous item which was stolen.
At approximately 1:10 pm on July 12, 2011, the Regina Police Service responded to a Break & Enter report at a work site located approximately 2 kilometers north of Dewdney on Pinkie Road. The Break & Enter occurred over the weekend. A RoadReader Nuclear Density Gauge was removed from this location. The gauge contains Americium 241 Beryllium and Cesium 137 which are both radioactive. The gauge is specific to road construction and detects the density of the ground and its compactness. The gauge is safe as long as the unit remains undamaged and everything inside the gauge is intact. A picture of the gauge is attached.
We advise the person(s) involved with the Break & Enter not to tamper with this instrument and encourage them to return it, anonymously if necessary. If anyone has information about this incident, they are asked to contact the Regina Police Service at 777-6500 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.