Businesses in Regina, licensed to serve beverage alcohol, may get a visit from police and liquor inspectors over the holidays. The Regina Police Service and the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) have teamed up for the month of December to do inspections and enforcement of the province’s Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997.
The initiative, already underway, focuses on bars, taverns, pubs and nightclubs in the form of regular, unannounced, on-site inspections. The team is made up of uniformed and plain clothes police officers, as well as inspectors from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority. The goal is to address unwanted behaviour and illegal activity resulting from over-consumption/over-serving of alcohol and, ultimately, to reduce the negative impacts such incidents have on the community. The team will also act as a resource to businesses wanting to provide training and education to employees, leading to more successful operation and management of their businesses.
During inspections, the multi-agency team will work cooperatively with business management and staff to observe patrons and the business operation itself. Police officers will be checking identifications and assessing sobriety levels of patrons. The SLGA liquor inspectors will inspect the manner in which alcohol is being served. Infractions or violations may result in immediate charges against the patron and/or the licensed business. There may also be sanctions as deemed appropriate by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority at a later date. Problems identified during a business site inspection may initiate a secondary visit to assist business owners and managers by providing education and training to employees.
Contravention of the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997, may result in a mandatory court appearance by an offender or an option of paying a voluntary fine. Some common violations and the voluntary fine payments are as follows:
- Give or Sell beverage alcohol to a minor – voluntary fine is $1050.00.
- Minor fail to leave premises when failed to show proof of age – voluntary fine is $250.00.
- Minor possess or consume alcohol – voluntary fine is $360.00.
- Minor being in or remain in a licensed premise – voluntary fine is $360.00.
- Present false identification when attempting to enter a permitted premise – a fine of not more that $2,000.00.
- Present false identification when attempting to purchase beverage alcohol – a fine of not more than $2,000.00.
The Provincial Legislation provides fine limits to those that contravene this Act when no other penalty is specified as;
- Maximum fine for an individual of not more than $10,000.00.
- Maximum fine for a corporation of not more than $ 50,000.00.
The Regina Police Service and Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority are working toward the goal of improved safety in our neighbourhoods and on our roadways.