The Regina Police Service Traffic Focus of the Month for December is Impaired Driving and related drinking and driving offences. While the Regina Police Service works year-round to apprehend impaired drivers, the December Traffic Focus of the Month will increase attention to this problem by conducting check stops (Enforcement Overdrive) to detect impaired drivers. Check stop projects have been increased for the holiday season. In addition, the Regina Police will be directing resources to licensed venues where alcohol may be consumed. Restaurants, bars and special event venues will see increased patrols in this effort to encourage anyone who consumes alcohol to plan a safe ride home. Also, drivers are encouraged to use the RID (Report Impaired Drivers) program to pull safely to the side of the road and call police if they see drivers they believe are impaired.
Charges that may apply are Driving with a Blood Alcohol Limit of Over .08, Impaired Driving or Failing to Provide a Breath Sample. The Regina Police Service reminds motorists that even though a person’s blood alcohol limit may be under .08, there may be sufficient evidence to support a charge of impaired operation of a motor vehicle. Any motorist convicted of any of these, and other, offences is subject to a Driver’s License suspension. The first conviction will result in a driver’s suspension period of one year.
Drinking and Driving remains the primary factor in fatal collisions in Saskatchewan. In collisions where another’s death or injury results and the driver is impaired, that driver may face more serious criminal charges like impaired driving causing bodily harm or impaired driving causing death.
The Regina Police Service advocates careful planning around events where alcohol may be consumed. Whether you choose a designated driver, taxi or public transportation, the best advice remains: if you plan to drink, don’t drive. Keeping impaired drivers off the road is a priority for the Regina Police Service and ultimately makes our roadways safer for all Regina residents and visitors.
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