The Regina Police Service is encouraging members of the public to practice crime prevention strategies during the winter and upcoming holiday season. Here are some tips to ensure the security of your home, vehicle, property and personal, financial information.
- The Regina Police Service recommends the following smart practices to protect your vehicle and its contents:
- – Do not leave your vehicle running, unattended, with keys in the ignition. This is the number one opportunity for auto theft in winter weather.
- – Park in well-lit areas and always lock your vehicle. Do not store spare keys to your vehicle or another family vehicle in your car.
- – Consider buying a steering wheel locking device or other anti-theft device and use it, every time you park your vehicle.
- – Do not leave valuables in plain sight, even if your vehicle is locked. This is especially important now that people are doing Christmas shopping and may think it safe to leave gifts and other purchases unattended in a vehicle.
- In addition, the Regina Police Service recommends the following strategies to protect your home:
- – Always lock your house when you leave; if you have an alarm system use it. It is also good practice once you’ve entered your home, to lock your doors behind you.
- – Make it clear to any observer that your home is occupied; clear sidewalks of snow; empty mailboxes; keep a light on in your house and keep the exterior of your home well lit.
- – If you are travelling during the Christmas season, ask a trusted neighbour or friend to give your house that same “lived-in” look while you are away.
- – If you observe any criminal activity in your neighbourhood, report it to police. If you can do so safely, take note of details like clothing descriptions or license plate numbers and report this information to police.
- When making purchases or using an Automated Banking Machine (ABM), always remember to safeguard your Personal Identification Number, or PIN. Remember to use your free hand to shield the keypad as you enter your PIN. Check your financial statements carefully and report any irregularities to the appropriate authorities. If you are making online purchases, be cautious. Don’t let your enthusiasm for a good deal override your common sense; deal with reputable companies, use secure payment options and don’t be bullied by “limited time offers” into making hasty purchases.
With all of the extra activity and preparations for the holiday season remember to secure your vehicle, home, property and financial information. Make these crime prevention strategies part of your daily routine.